SEN Administrator
Get to know our SEN Administrator & EHCP Reviewer …
Our SEN Administrator & EHCP Reviewer

Zoe Tranter
SEN Administrator
Hello, my name is Mrs Zoe Tranter, and I work as part of the pastoral team at Pinewood School Academy Trust. My job title is SEN Administrator and as part of my role at Pinewood, I schedule the EHCP annual reviews for all pupils. I then attend all annual reviews to make any proposed changes, and I send the documentation to the local authority.
I send out a ‘family contribution’ sheet prior to the annual review for you to complete and the EHCP draft with the proposed changes made by the child’s tutor for you to familiarise yourself with, before the meeting.
The family and pupil views are an integral part of the review process, as this gives you and your child the opportunity to have your say. I may also receive other reports or documents from other professionals e.g. Speech and Language Therapy reports or reports from interventions from staff at Pinewood and will circulate these with everyone attending the review once I receive them.
There may be different professionals in the annual review meetings depending on your child’s needs. Some of these may be health professionals, social workers, or college staff for post-16. If there is anybody in particular that you would like to attend your child’s review, please do not hesitate to ask me and I can invite them for you.
I support Ms Muirhead, SENCO and Assistant Head and I also assist with potential new people coming to Pinewood, book school visits and send out school welcome/transition packs. I speak to parents on the phone if they have any questions or need direction.
I’m happy to help and support anyone when I can or point you in the right direction of someone who can help you.
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