Sensory Teaching Assistant

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Our Sensory Teaching Assistant

Carina Maene

Carina Maene

Sensory Teaching Assistant

Hello, my name is Carina Maene. My role is to help pupils with sensory needs by creating and delivering sensory programs that aid in their learning. I also assist staff with sensory information training and equipment. Additionally, my responsibilities include delivering physiotherapy and occupational therapy programs as set by the NHS therapists.

Many people ask, “What is sensory integration?” Our human brain is designed to produce and regulate responses to the body’s sensory experiences—things we touch, see, smell, taste, and hear. This link between the brain and our behaviour is called sensory integration. For most people, this is a normal and typically overlooked part of our daily experience. However, for individuals with developmental disorders, including autism, the way the brain processes these experiences can be a major source of stress and discomfort as they are either over or under sensitive to these senses and  this can affect their learning, attention, and ability to cope with the demands of the school day.

At Pinewood School Academy Trust, we are fortunate to have a variety of areas to help our pupils with their sensory needs. The large multi-sensory room contains a bubble tube, fibre optics, a projector, an ultraviolet light, and a music centre. This room can be used for relaxation, guided meditation, and sensory lessons for a single or group of pupils.The sensory garden can be used as a quiet, relaxing area in a busy school or by classes to do some sensory work with their senses. It is planted with a range of sensory plants and has a large pond where water is constantly flowing.

The hammock room is a smaller multi-sensory room with a bubble tube, fibre optics, hammock, projector, music, and aromatherapy unit. It is designed for a single pupil to help them regulate and stay focused and cope with the challenges of a school day.

As Occupational therapy and Physiotherapy enhances a child’s ability to perform everyday  activities and independence, Pinewood School offers a link between home, school and those services. A programme set by NHS services is  being followed at convenient times to enhance mobility and independence. 

I hope this gives you insight into my role in the school and the facilities we have.

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