Global Development Delay

What Ms Hooton has to say …

Global Development Delay (GDD)

Short Definition:

The term ‘developmental delay’ or ‘global development delay’ is used when a child takes longer to reach certain development milestones than other children of the same age. This might include learning to walk or talk, movement skills, learning new things and interacting with others socially and emotionally.

You may remember not being able to dress or feed yourself. These difficulties begin during the developmental period.

Common signs include:

• Learning and developing at a slower pace than other children of your age.
• Rolling over, sitting up, crawling and walking at a later stage.
• Having trouble communication and socialising with others.
• Having trouble making things
• Struggle with problem-solving skills
• Falling behind in school
• Needing help with everyday tasks such as getting dressed

Support Includes:

• Occupational Therapy to help with self-care skills like dressing, sensory processing and small movements.
• Speech Therapy to have help with understanding certain words and language and help with sounds that are needed for speech.
• Physical Therapy to help with the movement of arms, legs, hands and feet.
• Special Educational School (Primary and Secondary) help with teaching methods, smaller class sizes, opportunities to explore non-academic skills, like visiting and caring for animals, and horse riding.
• Behavioural Therapy: Support with socially appropriate behaviours.

If you have developmental delay you may also have Autism, and or ADHD.

Do not worry because you will continue to progress and learn throughout your childhood and teenage years– but more slowly. Having extra support at school will help you learn to the best of your ability. Support from school and your parents/carers will support you with communicating with others, enjoying social events, and learning lots of independent skills, like cooking, shopping etc.


Useful Links & Further Resources:

Speak to your teacher or Parent/Carer if you are worried about anything or have any questions.

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