Admission Arrangements

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Admission Arrangements

Guidance on new student admissions


Pinewood School Academy Trust is a Special School Academy. Application for admission must come through the local authority maintaining the Education, Health and Care Plan for each individual pupil. Applications for admission cannot be made directly by parents.

As a special school academy the admission authority for Hertfordshire based pupils is Hertfordshire Local Authority. The Governing Body will follow the admission policy published by Hertfordshire County Council.

Pinewood School Academy Trust may also consider applications for admission from pupils outside of Hertfordshire local authority. In this instance Pinewood School Academy Trust is the admission authority and should be consulted directly. Pinewood School Academy Trust will consider applications using the same principles as in county requests to ensure equality.

In all instances of application for a place the following will be taken into account:

  • Vacancies within the school’s planned places
  • Whether or not the pupil’s needs can be met by the school (subject to funding)

If the school is oversubscribed, we cannot guarantee consideration of applications.

Preliminary visits to the school

Visits to the school are welcomed to help you make an informed decision about the choice of the school for your child. Typically, these will take place when your child is in year 5 or early in year 6, for a transition into year 7. Or when you are at the point of deciding on a different provision for your child.

Visits can be arranged by contacting the SEN administrator on the school telephone number: 01920 412211

Application for place

Pinewood School Academy Trust will need to be named in a review of your child’s EHCP as the preferred provision. At this point the local authority will consider the suitability of the Schools provision to meet your child’s needs.

The local authority will send a written request (enclosing appropriate information – including the EHCP) to the school for consultation. At this point the Headteacher will respond to the consultation and the Local Authority will then award a place or suggest alternative provision. If your child is successful in being offered a place, the transition process will start.

If the local authorities decision does not meet your expectations, you have the right to appeal directly to them.


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