College Transition

Preparing our students for the next step…

College Transition

What happens next…

Our Y11’s left us in June. All were offered college places following our strong transition programme. Transition to college begins at the start of Year 10. In the Autumn term a newsletter is sent out detailing how to apply for college. All applications have to be made by the Christmas break, directly to the college of choice. 

The college transition workers (TSWs) begin visiting in the January of Year 11. This becomes more regular, once or twice a week visits, as the year progresses. The TSWs sit in classes, talk to teachers and find out exactly what each student needs to make a smooth transition into their college of choice. Once interviews are completed the placement offers are sent out. The college and/or school organises taster days for individuals/groups of students as per the colleges request. The transition workers are supportive of our Year 11’s, attending the leavers assembly this year and forging relationships with families.

Once they have left us, our Year 11’s look forward to the summer drop in sessions/days that their colleges offer in order to maintain relationships until they officially start in September.

The Hertfordshire Local Offer have produced a presentation with the leading pathways for young people with special educational needs.  It sets out the specific learning pathways that are available for young people with SEND when they leave school and are considering going to one of the FE colleges in Hertfordshire. This Presentation can be found here.

For more information regarding the college application process please refer to an example of the Autumn 2024 newsletter which can be found here.

Supported Internships are for young people aged 16-24 with additional needs who want to move into employment and need extra support to do so.  The Supported Internship programme of study is offered by all four FE colleges in Hertfordshire.  It is designed to enable young people with additional needs to achieve sustainable, paid employment by equipping them with the skills they need.  Most of the learning is based in the workplace within a range of employment settings. Interns are given on-the-job training by expert coaches and are expected to comply with real employment conditions. It is important to mention that the majority of young people will need to complete some time at their chosen FE college prior to applying for an Supported Internship.  For more information on Supported Internships please refer to the Hertfordshire Services for Young People website.

College Application Process

Post 16 Information Booklet

16-18 Transport Process Policy

Learning Pathways Interactive Booklet


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