Leaver Destinations

What happens next…

Leaver Destinations

What to expect when you leave Pinewood…

Currently, 100% of pupils attending Pinewood continue in education when they leave.

Key Stage 4 pupils are given significant support to try to ensure that they make informed choices about their Post 16 education.  They will be offered support from an independent personal advisor as part of the statutory process, discussions and session as part of their lesson plans as well as an introduction to Post 16 education week.  An Information Evening has also been introduced for year 9, 10 and 11 pupils and parents, as part of the transition process.

The school has built solid links with the local colleges and aims to ensure that each pupil receives a personalised and graduated transition to their next settings.  Most of the colleges employ Transition Workers who will visit the school on a regular basis throughout year 11, getting to know all of the pupils well.  This means that the colleges and staff become familiar to them and the transition becomes easier for those who are apprehensive about change.

The majority of pupils will choose to continue their Post 16 education at one of the local inclusive colleges:

Hertford Regional College (HRC) –  The Department of Inclusive Learning (DIL) has purpose built accommodation on the Ware site. The curriculum is structured into four learning areas; Community inclusion, Employability skills and work experience, Independent living and Health and wellbeing.  Many of our pupils follow courses in that department, as they are encouraged to continue with literacy and numeracy whilst having opportunities to focus on areas of interest such as cooking, animals and art and design. Pupils may also be able to experience and progress to vocational courses.


North Herts College (NHC) – The NET (North Herts Transition Unit) is in Stevenage.  This is a small department which provides more vulnerable students with a supported environment and curriculum, before going to a large college.


Oaklands College – The college is quite near to the Galleria between Hatfield and St Albans. Pupils are able to continue building their functional skills by following the supportive learning pathways.  Pupils will have the option to progress to other pathways or courses which have a range of specific focuses such as horticulture and animals.


Harlow College – Offer a range of one-year programmes for pupils with mild to moderate learning difficulties or disabilities.  Their aim is to prepare pupils towards independent living, paid employment and good health as well as community inclusion.


Other pupils occasionally access different types of Post 16 education such as specialist sixth forms at Harlow Fields, Lonsdale School or Oaktree School.  Some pupils, with the relevant qualifications, are able to transition straight onto mainstream courses, with minimal support.

Further Education Application Process

Leavers Destinations June 2023

  • Herts Regional College 71%,
  • Capel Manor College 3%,
  • North Herts College 6%,
  • Oaklands College 14%,
  • Harlow College 6%

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