Google Classroom Tutorial
Creating a Quiz
How to create a Quiz using Google Classroom
When you create a quiz assignment, Classroom creates a blank quiz using a Google Form and attaches it to the assignment. You can then enter in custom questions and allow students to respond by providing multiple choice options. This is a guide on how to do so …
Firstly, start out by opening your Google Classroom and press on ‘Classwork’ on the top …

When you are there, press on ‘Create’ …

Select ‘Quiz assignment’ …

Just like with creating an assignment, on the below screen you are able to customise the assignment details, including giving the Quiz a name, setting instructions; and adding/creating extra files/resources …

Just like with creating an assignment, on the right hand side, you are able to individually select students to assign the quiz to, select whether it will be graded or not, and give the Quiz a due date if required …

Once you have set up the assignment, press on ‘Blank Quiz’ …

When you press on that, a new Google Forms document will be automatically created and saved in your Google Drive. You can type in the quiz name and description here …

Clicking below into ‘Untitled Question’ changes the view to the below, where you are able to enter in your first question …

Enter in your options …

Choosing which format you would like the student to respond in …

There are then various options at the bottom which allow you to duplicate the question, delete the question, and choose as to whether it is required or not (it is recommended to turn that on every time) …

Clicking on ‘Answer Key’ will allow you to select which option is the correct one. Once you have done that, a green tick will appear next to the correct option …

You are also able to provide the student’s with feedback based on the answer they have selected, by pressing ‘Add answer feedback’ …

Press on ‘Done’ once you have finished editing that Question …

You can then add a new question by clicking on the ‘+’ on the bottom left hand side …

Clicking on the paper button next to ‘Add question’ will allow you to import questions from other previously made quizzes. Press on the quiz, and then click ‘Select’ to do so …

You are also able to add media into your quiz, such as a photo or video. To do so, use the buttons circled below …

Using the button on the bottom right will allow you to create a new section to the quiz – to which you can then add further questions to …

Once you have completed your quiz, you can customise the theme in many ways, by pressing on the paint pallet at the top. Be sure to ‘Apply’ your changes once done …

Once you have made all of your changes (which will automatically save), click back to your assignment to assign it …

You will now be taken back to the ‘Classwork’ page, and you will have noticed that the quiz assigned has gone from being a ‘Blank Quiz’ to the one you have just created …

To view the student’s responses, click back onto the quiz and press on the pen on the bottom right …

Then select ‘Responses’ …

Pressing on the green button here will allow you to create a handy spreadsheet to collate your answers should you wish …

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